Monday, August 15, 2011

Energy efficient construction

No matter what house style, no matter what budget, energy efficient building techniques should be utilized to enhance ongoing home energy performance.
The following photographs of a current project in New Gloucester Maine highlight a few details that will have a dramatic positive effect regarding how comfortable this house will be, as well as less expensive to heat.

Intersecting wall framing techniques that allow full insulation to be installed in the outside wall cavity which eliminates an area of potential thermal transfer from conditioned to unconditioned space

Insulated window and door header assemblies with continuous rigid foam insulation

Wall corner construction that allows our blown in insulation to fully insulate this often neglected area

Even though we utilize foam sill seal gasket between the sill plate and foundation wall,
we also caulk this seam with silicon caulk

We will foam seal all sheathing panel edges as well as both sides of any wall stud where two panels meet and at the top and bottom plate

It only takes advanced planning, a little extra time and a few cans of DOW Pro foam to make a big difference.